Axis MF Balanced Advantage Fund February 2025 728x90

Historical Mutual Fund NAV of UTI MMF Reg Daily IDCW Reinv

NAV Date NAV (Rs)
25-02-2025 1144.1649
24-02-2025 1144.3344
21-02-2025 1144.2004
20-02-2025 1144.2474
18-02-2025 1144.2794
17-02-2025 1144.3688
14-02-2025 1144.4255
13-02-2025 1144.4949
12-02-2025 1144.411
11-02-2025 1144.423
10-02-2025 1144.4762
07-02-2025 1144.769
06-02-2025 1145.0069
05-02-2025 1144.7495
04-02-2025 1144.6574
03-02-2025 1144.6421
31-01-2025 1144.7267
30-01-2025 1144.7507
29-01-2025 1144.7403
28-01-2025 1144.6507
27-01-2025 1144.5575
24-01-2025 1144.5521
23-01-2025 1144.5886
22-01-2025 1144.6754
21-01-2025 1144.7801
20-01-2025 1144.857
17-01-2025 1144.9096
16-01-2025 1144.9123
15-01-2025 1144.8461
14-01-2025 1144.778
13-01-2025 1144.9023
10-01-2025 1145.0346
09-01-2025 1144.9754
08-01-2025 1145.2402
07-01-2025 1145.4322
06-01-2025 1145.5638
03-01-2025 1145.637
02-01-2025 1145.7363
01-01-2025 1145.6946
31-12-2024 1145.6509
30-12-2024 1145.2399
27-12-2024 1145.2834
26-12-2024 1145.27
24-12-2024 1145.335
23-12-2024 1145.5407
20-12-2024 1145.7815
19-12-2024 1145.8144
18-12-2024 1145.9458
17-12-2024 1146.0235
16-12-2024 1146.1067
13-12-2024 1146.104
12-12-2024 1146.303
11-12-2024 1146.4835
10-12-2024 1146.5545
09-12-2024 1146.7179
06-12-2024 1146.7726
05-12-2024 1146.7264
04-12-2024 1146.6485
03-12-2024 1146.6499
02-12-2024 1146.7504
29-11-2024 1146.7552
28-11-2024 1146.7819
27-11-2024 1146.8542
26-11-2024 1146.9123
25-11-2024 1146.9897
22-11-2024 1147.046
21-11-2024 1147.0893
19-11-2024 1147.2005
18-11-2024 1147.3128
14-11-2024 1147.4085
13-11-2024 1147.4328
12-11-2024 1147.4445
11-11-2024 1147.5566
08-11-2024 1147.6609
07-11-2024 1147.705
06-11-2024 1147.697
05-11-2024 1147.7273
04-11-2024 1147.7596
31-10-2024 1147.774
30-10-2024 1147.7297
29-10-2024 1147.7602
28-10-2024 1147.8426
25-10-2024 1147.9253
24-10-2024 1147.9178
23-10-2024 1147.9309
22-10-2024 1148.0005
21-10-2024 1148.0747
18-10-2024 1148.1202
17-10-2024 1147.9013
16-10-2024 1147.9599
15-10-2024 1147.9816
14-10-2024 1147.9965
11-10-2024 1147.3951
10-10-2024 1147.0803
09-10-2024 1147.1235
08-10-2024 1147.1016
07-10-2024 1147.1825
04-10-2024 1147.155
03-10-2024 1146.8387
01-10-2024 1146.8358
30-09-2024 1146.8476
27-09-2024 1146.282
26-09-2024 1145.9803
25-09-2024 1145.8
24-09-2024 1145.613
23-09-2024 1145.3969
20-09-2024 1144.7276
19-09-2024 1144.4857
17-09-2024 1144.0029
16-09-2024 1143.7359
13-09-2024 1143.1016
12-09-2024 1142.8008
11-09-2024 1142.6304
10-09-2024 1142.4009
09-09-2024 1142.2069
06-09-2024 1141.508
05-09-2024 1141.3231
04-09-2024 1141.0883
03-09-2024 1140.8857
02-09-2024 1140.6244
30-08-2024 1139.9619
29-08-2024 1139.7683
28-08-2024 1139.6285
27-08-2024 1139.4052
26-08-2024 1139.2745
23-08-2024 1138.6757
22-08-2024 1138.4516
21-08-2024 1138.4718
20-08-2024 1138.4098
19-08-2024 1138.375
16-08-2024 1138.1043
14-08-2024 1138.1132
13-08-2024 1138.1561
12-08-2024 1138.3676
09-08-2024 1138.4424
08-08-2024 1138.2551
07-08-2024 1138.2928
06-08-2024 1138.335
05-08-2024 1138.4418
02-08-2024 1138.4588
01-08-2024 1138.2398
31-07-2024 1138.2634
30-07-2024 1138.3443
29-07-2024 1138.456
26-07-2024 1138.566
25-07-2024 1138.3572
24-07-2024 1138.4051
23-07-2024 1138.4283
22-07-2024 1138.3951
19-07-2024 1138.4165
18-07-2024 1138.1725
16-07-2024 1138.202
15-07-2024 1138.3004
12-07-2024 1138.3019
11-07-2024 1138.3635
10-07-2024 1138.3502
09-07-2024 1138.4572
08-07-2024 1139.2982
05-07-2024 1138.6939
04-07-2024 1138.4794
03-07-2024 1138.233
02-07-2024 1137.9163
01-07-2024 1137.3978
28-06-2024 1136.5676
27-06-2024 1136.1366
26-06-2024 1135.9604
25-06-2024 1135.8509
24-06-2024 1135.7644
21-06-2024 1135.1138
20-06-2024 1134.8943
19-06-2024 1134.5967
18-06-2024 1134.3505
14-06-2024 1133.4749
13-06-2024 1133.2638
12-06-2024 1133.0401
11-06-2024 1132.7129
10-06-2024 1132.38
07-06-2024 1131.6875
06-06-2024 1131.5052
05-06-2024 1131.2279
04-06-2024 1131.0621
03-06-2024 1131.0429
31-05-2024 1130.374
30-05-2024 1130.1425
29-05-2024 1129.8674
28-05-2024 1129.6047
27-05-2024 1129.4916
24-05-2024 1128.876
22-05-2024 1128.4359
21-05-2024 1128.1922
17-05-2024 1128.14
16-05-2024 1128.1898
15-05-2024 1128.2774
14-05-2024 1128.359
13-05-2024 1128.2982
10-05-2024 1128.3286
09-05-2024 1128.505
08-05-2024 1128.7126
07-05-2024 1128.7918
06-05-2024 1128.827
03-05-2024 1128.8088
02-05-2024 1128.7993
30-04-2024 1128.774
29-04-2024 1128.9004
26-04-2024 1129.1773
25-04-2024 1129.2101
24-04-2024 1129.4002
23-04-2024 1129.6721
22-04-2024 1129.6293
19-04-2024 1129.7771
18-04-2024 1129.9568
16-04-2024 1130.1339
15-04-2024 1130.1563
12-04-2024 1130.3085
10-04-2024 1130.2918
08-04-2024 1130.1117
05-04-2024 1130.2285
04-04-2024 1130.131
03-04-2024 1129.9576
02-04-2024 1130.1939
31-03-2024 1130.5059
28-03-2024 1129.8591
27-03-2024 1128.559
26-03-2024 1128.7928

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